Programming Sound Cards
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RUCKUS-DAC Copyright (C)1993 Cornel Huth
Documentation Copyright (C)1993 Cornel Huth
All Rights Reserved.
Version 1.0d.
For ordering information, license agreement, and product support
information, see Appendix Z.
RUCKUS-DAC is one part of the RUCKUS sound toolkit for DOS programmers. Its
forte is its ability to play digital data in three different formats and
record in two: VOC, WAVE, and MOD. The other part of the RUCKUS sound
toolkit is RUCKUS-MIDI. Its forte is its ability to play standard MIDI data
files. See RUCKUS-MIDI for more.
RUCKUS-DAC currently supports six sound devices: the PC speaker, a DAC on
an LPT port, Disney Sound Source, AdLib MSC, Sound Blaster, and the Sound
Blaster Pro (stereo). Since most sound devices emulate one of the above,
RUCKUS-DAC should handle most devices likely to be found in a PC. RUCKUS-
DAC is implemented to be device-independent. As new sound hardware (with
supporting documentation) becomes available to this programmer, it will be
added. The code you write to play any of the digital formats using RUCKUS
will play on any new device added later without any code changes to your
program. You just supply the new device ID (see InitDac for more).
The RUCKUS toolkit supports most DOS compilers as is. This documentation
describes using RUCKUS with C DOS compilers. Also available is a BASIC-
specific version (BASIC7/QB45/VBDOS/etc.) of this documentation. Other
implementations should be able to get the necessary details using this
documentation. Note that these toolkits will not work with the current or
past Turbo Pascal compilers. This is due to Turbo Pascal's proprietary
linkage methods.
To provide compiler-independence, RUCKUS (and all of my latest toolkits)
implements a simple calling scheme: a single far pointer (segmented) is
passed to RUCKUS. The data structure that is pointed to varies depending on
RUCKUS function. There are 13 structure types ("packs") currently. The
first two data members of each pack are identical in all packs. These are
Func and Stat. The remaining members, if any, vary depending on
requirements. For instance, the LoadDac routine uses, in addition to Func
and Stat, six additional members: FilenamePtr, StartPos, LoadSize, XMMflag,
XMMhandle and LoadPtr. The steps needed to load a digital (LoadDac is for
VOC/WAVE files, LoadMod is for MOD files) data file to memory would be as
1. Allocate pack. Packs are reusable and can be allocated any way you
want. Here we make a static allocation for simplicity.
struct LoadPack LP;
2. Assign member values:
LP.Func = LoadDac;
LP.FilenamePtr = filename;
LP.StartPos = 0L;
LP.LoadSize = 0L;
LP.XMMflag = 0;
3. Call RUCKUS:
rez = RUCKDAC(&LP);
4. On return from the call:
if (rez == 0)
// LP.LoadPtr -> address of digital data in memory
// or, if XMMflag then LP.XMMhandle is XMS handle of storage
After the load you can immediately call the PlayDac routine using the
LP.LoadPtr returned from the LoadDac call. You don't need to use the RUCKUS
LoadDac routine; you can perform your own digital data file loads to memory
(VOC and WAV only, MODs must be loaded by RUCKUS-DAC). However, RUCKUS can
load up to 32 separate digital files at one time (and 96 more to XMS) and
performs all the necessary memory allocations and deallocations
automatically. See LoadDac/LoadMod for more.
As you can see, using RUCKUS is easy. If you'd rather use a traditional
calling convention, wrap the RUCKUS routines in a C function and call it as
you normally would, e.g., rez = LoadDacFile(filename,LP) where LoadDacFile
contains the actual code (as shown above).
Now that I have your interest, let me tell you why I've provided this
toolkit for you. Shareware. That's right. Shareware. What I've done is
provide you with a means to evaluate this product completely, with no
upfront obligations. If you can't make use of this product, no problem.
Think of this as the ultimate return policy. You can actually take the
goods home, try it out, break it in. Then, if after a period of no more
than 21 days, you feel that this product is well worth the price I'm
asking, by all means, you should go ahead and fill out the order form and
send it in. If you do not register, then of course, it means the product is
not something you can use. If you can't use it, I don't want your money.
But if it's something you will use, it's only fair that you register. The
PROFESSIONAL registered versions does not have any built-in advertising
screens. The PERSONAL DEVELOPER registered version does display a sign-on
banner once. See Appendix Z. for ordering options and other related
information specific to this product.
The documentation that follows describes each of the function routines as
to use, pack type used, and sample code in C. Also available is a BASIC
version of this toolkit, differing only in example programs and
documentation. For additional source examples see the included X files on
RUCKUS-DAC Functions.
0. SysInfoDac ........................................... 5
1. InitDac .............................................. 6
2. ExitDac .............................................. 7
3. AtExitDac ............................................ 8
4. LoadDac .............................................. 9
5. PlayDac .............................................. 10
6. RecordDac ............................................ 11
7. StoreDac ............................................. 13
8. EndDac ............................................... 14
9. PauseDac ............................................. 15
10. DeallocDac ........................................... 16
11 to 19 are not used
20. SetAllDac ............................................ 17
21. SetVolumeDac ......................................... 19
22. SetIntRateDac ........................................ 20
23. SetPriorityDac ....................................... 21
24 to 27 are not used
28. GetBufferDataDac ..................................... 22
29. GetBytePosDac ........................................ 23
30. SetAllSBP ............................................ 24
31. SetVolMainSBP ......................................... 26
32. SetVolVocSBP ......................................... 27
33. SetLevelMicSBP ....................................... 28
34. SetLevelCDSBP ....................................... 29
35. SetLevelLineSBP ...................................... 30
36. SetFilterOutSBP ...................................... 31
37. SetFilterInSBP ....................................... 32
38. SetSourceSBP ......................................... 33
39. SetStereoSBP ......................................... 34
40. SetSpeakerSB ......................................... 35
41 to 47 are not used
48. GetMixerRegSBP ....................................... 36
49. GetDacSB .............................................. 37
50. ExitMod .............................................. 38
51. AtExitMod ............................................ 39
52. LoadMod .............................................. 40
53. PlayMod .............................................. 41
54. EndMod ............................................... 42
55. PauseMod ............................................. 43
56. SetIntRateMod ......................................... 44
57. SetSpeedMod ........................................... 45
58. SetVolumeMod ......................................... 46
59. SetPositionMod ........................................ 47
60. SetStereoMod .......................................... 48
61. SetFastMod ............................................ 49
Appendix A. Tips and Tricks ........................... 50
Appendix B. Pack Structure ............................ 51
Appendix C. Compiler, Linker and Call Use ............. 55
Appendix D. RUCKUS-DAC Data Area ...................... 56
Appendix Z. Ordering Information, License Agreement
and Product Support........................ 58
SysInfoDac Func: 0 Pack: SysInfoPack
Before doing any other RUCKUS function, you should call SysInfoDac to
determine what sound devices are available. RUCKUS-DAC currently supports
the following devices:
0. PC speaker
1. LPT-DAC device on a printer port, commonly home-built
2. Disney Sound Source, a printer port DAC device
3. AdLib Music Synthesizer Card
4. Sound Blaster (DSP version 1.03 and up)
5. Sound Blaster Pro
6. UltraSound*
*The UltraSound (GUS) will be supported in an upcoming release. PAS16
native support soon after.
Since many current sound cards are Sound Blaster compatible, RUCKUS-DAC
supports somewhere around 95% of all sound devices in active use on PC-
compatible computers.
SysInfoDac scans for and detects all devices. In the case of the DAC on the
printer port (LPT-DAC), it can only detect if a printer port is available.
All other sound cards are detected by their manufacturer's documented
methods, and should be 100% reliable. Information returned includes the
device's base port address, IRQ line, DMA channel, and capabilities.
Since the SB Pro is SB-compatible, and since the SB is AdLib-compatible,
these lower devices are also detected in these cards.
Sample Use:
struct SysInfoPack SIP;
SIP.Func = SysInfoDac; //SysInfoDac is a CONST in RUCKDAC.BI
rez = RUCKDAC(&SIP); //call to RUCKUS library code
if (rezt == 0) {
printf("CPU type is %u/%u\n", SIP.CPU, SIP.MHz);
if (SIP.SD[5].Device != 0)
printf("SB PRO at port %x\n", SIP.SD[5].Port);
if (SIP.SD[4].Device != 0)
printf("SB 1.5 at port %x\n", SIP.SD[4].Port);
printf("PC speaker always available\n");
InitDac Func: 1 Pack: InitPack
Before you can use a sound device, you must inform RUCKUS about it. The
InitDac routine sets up default sets of data that RUCKUS uses, or that you
can later change. You cannot operate a device until you have called this
routine. You should not InitDac more than one sound device at a time. If
you want to use a different device, first ExitDac then InitDac again.
The information that InitDac requires is available from the SysInfoDac
routine. InitDac returns with information on its data section address and
size, and the address of the ExitDac routine (in case AtExitDac doesn't
work for your esoteric compiler or run-time library).
InitDac is used for both RUCKUS-DAC and the RUCKUS-DAC mod extension code.
There is a special feature available for the PC speaker and the AdLib
devices: 2x upsampling. To use 2x upsampling, use the I/O port as returned
by SysInfoDac for IP.IOport. To use standard (in some cases downsampling)
play for the PC speaker and AdLib (recommended for play of samples with
rates above 8kHz) use an IP.IOport=0. For an example of 2x upsampling see
the MODAC1 documentation. Upsampling is available only for VOC and WAVE
Sample Use:
struct InitPack IP;
IP.Func = InitDac; // CONST in RUCKDAC.BI
IP.DeviceID = device; // see SysInfoDac for device numbers
IP.IOport = port; // and other info needed by InitDac
IP.IRQline = IRQ;
rez = RUCKDAC(&IP);
if (rez == 0)
// device initialized okay
ExitDac Func: 2 Pack: XitPack
When using RUCKUS, certain aspects of the computer are controlled by the
RUCKUS code. To have RUCKUS return full control back to the computer and
operating system, ExitDac must be called. To ensure that this happens, even
after an abnormal termination (such as an untrapped divide by zero), RUCKUS
provides a routine that ensures that ExitDac is always called before your
application ends. See AtExitDac for more.
Once a sound device has been initialized with InitDac, you must call
ExitDac before you can switch to another device with InitDac. Calling
ExitDac releases any memory allocations made while the previous sound
device was active (allocations made by LoadDac, LoadMod, or RecordDac).
Memory allocations that your program has made on its own are not affected.
Tip: If you call InitDac with one device, load a file, then call InitDac
again with another device, the memory allocated by the load is not
released. This allows you to play data from previous load operation(s) on
all the RUCKUS-supported devices. To force the release of a previous memory
allocation, see DeallocDac.
Sample Use:
struct XitPack XP;
XP.Func = ExitDac;
rez = RUCKDAC(&XP);
if (rez != 0)
// error
AtExitDac Func: 3 Pack: XitPack
To ensure that all machine control is returned to the operating system and
that all RUCKUS-made memory allocations are released before your
application program ends, AtExitDac should be used. This routine takes
advantage of most compiler's _atexit enregistration routine. This _atexit
compiler run-time library routine allows for up to 32 different calls to be
made just prior to it (the compiler's run-time code) returning to the
operating system (program termination). Most of the time, you can make all
the necessary shutdowns that your program requires in your app's code.
However, abnormal terminations -- terminations that can cause a bypass of
your own shutdown code -- may mean that when the operating systems regains
control, certain machine operations are not in a stable state. The
AtExitDac routine ensures that ExitDac is called no matter what (in most
all cases, except where the program locks up, in which case the session
needs to be reset anyway).
Note: AtExitDac should be called only once in your program's execution.
Graphically, your program executes like this:
DOS C>program.exe
Compiler startup code (performs basic setup)
| Your program starts, ends
rest of startup code, _atexit registered routines
Caution: In order for the _atexit registered routines to be called by your
compilers run-time, you must not allow you program to exit via non-standard
ways. Calling INT21/4C is on example (you should never do this from
compiled code, anyway). Note that some compilers' run-time code bypasses
_atexit when Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break is used. If this is the case, you must
trap these and perform an ExitDac before returning to DOS.
The startup code is basically a program that sets up your program to run,
calls your program, regains control when your program ends, then performs
the necessary shutdown actions required, including calling all routines
registered with _atexit.
Sample Use:
struct XitPack XP;
XP.Func = AtExitDac;
rez = RUCKDAC(&XP);
if (rez !=0)
// error (more than 32 calls made to _atexit)
LoadDac Func: 4 Pack: LoadPack
Though not required, you can have RUCKUS load a digital file into memory
for you. It makes the necessary memory allocations and loads the data into
conventional or XMS memory. You can load up to 32 separate digital data
files to conventional memory at one time, and up to 96 more into XMS.
RUCKUS takes care of the memory allocation details.
LoadDac can also be instructed to start loading at any particular byte in a
file for as many bytes as you specify. This would be useful, for example,
if you have a single file made up of several VOC or WAVE files appended to
form one large data file.
Sample Use:
struct LoadPack LP;
LP.Func = LoadDac;
LP.FilenamePtr = filename;
LP.StartPos = 0L; // start load at first byte of file
LP.LoadSize = 0L; // have RUCKUS load all of it
LP.XMMflag = 0; // -1 if loading into XMS
rez = RUCKDAC(&LP);
if (rez == 0)
// okay load
Note that even though loading into XMS memory, RUCKUS-DAC still needs some
conventional memory to use as a buffer. After the load to XMS, the low
memory is no longer required.
PlayDac Func: 5 Pack: PlaybackPack
Once the digital data is in either conventional or XMS memory, you can play
it to any of the RUCKUS-supported devices. XMS memory, however, requires
DMA playback mode; this mode is supported in the Sound Blasters only. Also,
for STEREO playback, DMA mode is required (SB Pro only).
In addition to DMA-mode playback, you can instruct RUCKUS to play in the
background or foreground. Playing in the background allows your computer
program to regain control immediately after play has begun. If you choose
foreground play, control does not return to your program until the end of
the data has been played, or, until CTRL-ALT is pressed.
All RUCKUS-supported devices can be played in the background. Only the
Sound Blasters can be played using DMA. DMA playback is similar to
background play in that control is returned to your program immediately,
but it is also much more efficient since DMA playback uses no CPU time.
Background play, on the other hand, can require anywhere from 1 to 100% of
available CPU time, depending on what playback rate has been selected (see
Since it's possible to load several data files into memory at one time, to
play a particular data file requires that you specify its start address or,
if loaded to XMS memory, its XMS handle. Given the code sequence example in
LoadDac, the following PlayDac code takes up from there:
struct PlaybackPack PBP;
PBP.Func = PlayDac;
PBP.Mode = 2; // mode 0=foreground, 1=background, 2=DMA
PBP.XMMhandle = 0; // 0=conv memory data follow, 1+=XMS data follows
'If conventional memory used, then the following pointer is the
'segment:offset start address of the VOC/WAVE data to play.
'If XMS memory used, the following pointer is the 32-bit offset within the
'XMS handle (PBP.XMMhandle) that the data starts. If you just load one data
'file to one XMM handle, then these will always=0. However, if you're short
'on available XMM handles, you could load several data files into a single,
'huge, XMM allocation. In order to do this, you must do your own data
'loads since LoadDac loads one file per XMM handle.
PBP.LoadPtr = LP.LoadPtr;
'Note: the PBP.BufferSize is used by PlayMod only. Also, you may want/need
'to perform pre-Play tasks. See SetAllDac/SetAllSBP.
rez = RUCKDAC(&PBP);
if (rez == 0)
// if DMA or background mode then the digital data is playing now,
// but if foreground mode, the play has ended by the time we get here
RecordDac Func: 6 Pack: RecordPack
The Sound Blasters can record as well as play digital data. As with play,
you can record directly into conventional or XMS memory. You can let RUCKUS
make the memory allocations, or you can allocate your own memory and record
into that. With the SB Pro, you can also record in stereo.
With the Sound Blaster Pro you can select among three input sources: mic,
line, and CD. The earlier Sound Blaster has one input, the mic. A quality
microphone can make a big difference. For other-than-mic input on the SB,
you can pipe the headphone output of a CD player into the mic input. Your
results may vary, but this is better than mic'ing a loudspeaker. For
anything other than mic input, the SB Pro is recommended. Its recording
quality is very good since it allows sampling rates up to 45.5kHz in mono,
and 22.75kHz in stereo. The SB allows recording sampling rates up to 12kHz
(rated to 13kHz record and 23kHz playback). The sampling size is 8 bits.
SET THE SP.SetIntRate=44100.
Sample Use:
struct RecordPack RP;
struct XitPack XP;
EP.Func = EndDac; // preload EP.Func here for space reasons
RP.Func = RecordDac;
RP.SampleRate = 23000;
/* To record into XMM and have RUCKUS make the allocation, set RP.XMMhandle
to -1. If you made your own XMS allocation, set this to your handle.
To load into conventional memory and have RUCKUS make the allocation,
set RP.RecordPtr to NULL. If you made your own allocation, set this
to your far segmented pointer. */
RP.XMMhandle = 0; // use conventional memory if this is 0
RP.RecordPtrOff = 0; // have RUCKUS make the memory allocation
RP.RecordPtrSeg = 0; // if this is 0 (and if RP.XMMhandle=0)
/* By using the DACDATA.MemDOS or .MemXMM, we can record as many bytes
as we have available. Below we reserve 5K (more for XMS) for misc use, as
you should, too. This is the max bytes to record; we can also stop
at any point before this. */
RP.RecordBytes = (DACDATA.MemDOS - 5) * 1024;
RP.StereoFlag = 0;
rez = RUCKDAC(&RP);
if (rez == 0) {
// we are recording right now, using DMA, so, while we could do just
// about anything we wanted, in this example, we just wait until the
// record is over
while (DACDATA.End == 0);
rez2 = RUCKDAC(&XP); // stop recording (XP defined/assigned above)
/* The above loop won't be exited until all the bytes requested have been
recorded. The number of bytes recorded (not counting any file headers added
by StoreDac) is in DACDATA.RecordLen.
Now you can save the data by using StoreDac, or play it using PlayDac. On
return from the RECORD, RP.RecordPtr is set to the segment:offset of the
first byte recorded in conventional memory, or if using XMS memory,
RP.XMMhandle is set to the XMS handle. */
StoreDac Func: 7 Pack: SaveDataPack
Once digital data has been loaded or recorded in memory, you can store it
do disk in either VOC or WAVE format. If you want, you can load a file in
one format and save it in the other with just a few lines of code (shown
Sample Use:
struct SaveDataPack SDP;
SDP.Func = StoreDac;
SDP.FilenamePtr= filename;
// the LP pointer below is from (say) a just-loaded VOC file (using
// LoadDac), and we want to convert and store it to WAVE format
SDP.DataPtr = LP.LoadPtr // segment:offset of conventional memory
// or 0 if storing from an XMS handle
SDP.FileType = 2; // 1=VOC, 2=WAVE
SDP.XMMhandle = 0; // 0 if DOS data, else XMS handle
rez = RUCKDAC(&SDP);
if (rez == 0)
// data stored to filename$
//file save error in stat
/* Caution: Be sure to account for the additional memory required once data
has been stored to a file. StoreDac builds the appropriate VOC or WAV
header and this adds to the total memory required to reload. I suggest that
you do not record so much data as to not be able to load it back in once
saved to VOC or WAVE format. */
EndDac Func: 8 Pack: XitPack
EndDac is used to end (stop) play or record on command. Once PlayDac has
started, it continues to play in the background until either the end of the
digital data has been reached, or you call this routine. In the case of a
record, play continues until the number of bytes requested has been
recorded, or this routine is called.
Sample Use:
struct XitPack XP;
// LoadDac and PlayDac, or RecordDac, have already been called
// see those routines for more information
XP.Func = EndDac; // if play or record is active this call
rez = RUCKDAC(&XP); // ends it
// See RecordDac on getting the number of bytes actually recorded
PauseDac Func: 9 Pack: PausePack
PauseDac allows you to temporarily pause and then restart a playback.
Sample Use:
struct PausePack PP;
PP.Func = PauseDac;
PP.Pause = 1; // non-zero pauses, zero restarts
rez = RUCKDAC(&PP);
DeallocDac Func: 10 Pack: DeallocPack
If you have RUCKUS load digital data files, which is most likely the case,
it makes memory allocations from the operating system memory pool. RUCKUS
tracks up to 32 consecutive DOS loads, and up to 96 loads to XMS (provided
enough memory and XMS handles). These should be higher than you'll ever
likely use at one time. DeallocDac "unloads" files that RUCKUS has loaded,
thus releasing the memory that they used.
As an example, let's say that you want to start up your program with 5
digital data files in XMS memory. You have 5MB of XMS available. Each data
file is 1M in size. To load a new data file after these 5, you will need to
unload one of the 5 already loaded. DeallocDac does that for you. The
following example loads a single data file to XMS then immediately unloads
DeallocDac is not used for releasing LoadMod allocations.
Sample Use:
struct LoadPack LP;
struct DeallocPack DP;
LP.Func = LoadDac;
LP.FilenamePtr = filename;
LP.StartPos = 0L;
LP.LoadSize = 0L;
LP.XMMflag = 1; // non-zero means use XMS for load
rez = RUCKDAC(&LP);
if (rez == 0) {
DP.Func = DeallocDac;
DP.HandSeg = LP.XMMhandle; // XMM handle returned by RUCKDAC(LP)
DP.TypeFlag = LP.XMMflag; // 0=DOS allocation, 1=XMS
rez = RUCKDAC(&DP); // if this were a DOS allocation, DP.HandSeg
// would be set to LP.LoadPtrSeg only since
// _FP_OFF(LP.LoadPtr)==0 as returned by LoadDac
if (rez != 0)
// file load error or deallocate error in rez
SetAllDac Func: 20 Pack: SetPack
This routine sets the overall playback volume, interrupt rate, and RUCKUS
priority in one call.
The playback volume affects VOC or WAVE output for non-DMA mode, only. In
other words, it's for controlling the volume on the PC speaker, LPT-DAC,
Disney Sound Source, and AdLib only. To control the playback volume of the
Sound Blaster, you must operate it under non-DMA mode. To control the
playback of the Sound Blaster Pro, a separate set of RUCKUS routines are
used. See the SetAllSBP routine for more.
The default volume is set to 16. Minimum is 0, maximum is 127. For a linear
approximation of this volume control, 16 is about half-volume, 8 about 1/4,
64 about 3/4, and 127 full volume. A volume other than 16 may
cause a slowdown in performance so 16 should be used as much as possible.
The interrupt rate sets the playback rate of background play for non-DMA
mode. For example, let's say you load a file that was recorded with a
sample rate of 8000Hz (this information is stored with the VOC or WAVE).
That is the value to which you set the interrupt rate. Easy enough. But
let's say that it was recorded at 44,100Hz and in stereo. Normally, this
data file couldn't be played except with high-end sound cards. What you can
do is set the interrupt rate to 8000Hz and have RUCKUS-DAC perform on-the-
fly downsampling so that you can play this file on any of the supported
devices (in non-DMA mode).
In addition to downsampling, RUCKUS-DAC can upsample with the PC Speaker
and AdLib cards (the two that need it the most). Let's take that 8000Hz
sample rate file again. Upsampling performs on-the-fly adjustments to the
data so that it sounds as if the file sample rate were twice the original.
This results in a much cleaner sound. There is a drawback: much more CPU
time is needed at this high rate, and it should only be used on powerful
CPUs. To use the upsampling capabilities of RUCKUS-DAC, set the interrupt
rate to the original sample rate. There is also a special method used in
the initialization of the device. See InitDac for more. You can experiment
with the down- and upsampling of RUCKUS-DAC by using the MODAC.EXE program.
When using non-DMA mode, you can select from three priority levels. The
default priority=1. This level allows the system to run as normal, even
though the computer's ticker has been sped up some thousand times. Priority
level 2 hogs all background time for the RUCKUS-DAC playback. The
computer's clock is not updated. Priority level 0 gives top priority to
other computer events. This level may result in a warbly sound. Priority
only affects non-DMA VOC/WAVE output. Use the default level (1).
The default interrupt rate is 10989. If you are on a slow machine, this may
be too high for non-DMA operations. The following table shows the min, max,
and nominal interrupt rate for the supported devices. In all cases, higher
rates require more CPU power, except in DMA mode. Nominal values based on a
386/25 CPU.
Device MinRate MaxRate Nominal Comments
------ ------- ------- ------- ------------------------------------
PCSKP0 5000 18000 8000 rates < 16000 may be noisy
PCSPK1 5000 9000 8000 effective rate=rate*2
LPTDAC 5000 23000 15000 not tested
DISNEY 5000 7000 7000 max usable rate is 7000Hz
ADLIB0 5000 12000 8000 AdLib very slow as digital device
ADLIB1 5000 6000 5500 effective rate=rate*2
SB 5000 23000 15000 DMA mode is 5-23000, record to 12kHz
SB PRO 5000 23000 15000 DMA mode is 5-45500
Sample Use:
struct SetPack SP;
SP.Func = SetAllDac;
SP.Volume = 16; // any other value slows down performance
SP.IntRate = 8000;
SP.Priority = 1;
rez = RUCKDAC(&SP);
SetVolumeDac Func: 21 Pack: SetPack
SetVolumeDac does two things. First, it controls the non-DMA mode output
volume. Second, it turns the SB's speaker on and off; the SB speaker must
be off, and remain off, while recording. Under normal use, the SB speaker
is turned on and off by RUCKUS automatically.
Because of the extra calculations required when the volume is set to
anything other than the default (16), it's recommended that the volume be
changed only when necessary (especially on slow machines).
This routine controls the output volume on all devices in non-DMA mode. In
DMA-mode, the SB's volume is not controllable. The SB PRO, however, has a
large set of mixer controls that can be controlled via RUCKUS-DAC. See
SetAllSBP for more.
Sample Use:
struct SetPack SP;
SP.Func = SetVolumeDac;
SP.Volume = 127; // set to max volume
rez = RUCKDAC(&SP);
if (rez != 0)
// you probably didn't set SP.Func correctly
SetIntRateDac Func: 22 Pack: SetPack
SetIntRateDac, with respect to the -DAC section of RUCKUS, controls the
playback rate of non-DMA output.
After loading a file, that file's sample rate is available in the DAC data
section. You may choose to have the digital data file played back at that
rate, or, you may choose to downsample the original rate. Downsampling is
useful since it allows slower computers to play data files originally
sampled at rates too high to be played back -- RUCKUS can play a 44.1kHz
stereo VOC or WAVE file back through the PC speaker, or any of the other
supported devices. Note that the actual downsampled rate is not always
exactly what you specify, but a best-fit approximation.
As an example, let's suppose you have a VOC file originally sampled at
22050Hz, mono format. While this can easily be played on the SBs using DMA-
mode playback, non-DMA mode requires a very powerful CPU to handle that
high a rate. After loading using LoadDac, the 22050 sample rate, and its
mono format, is determined by reading the DAC data section. To play back
this file through PCSPKR0, say, at 11kHz, you'd set SP.IntRate=11025.
With the PC speaker and the AdLib, there are two different output modes.
The first either plays at the original rate, or is downsampled to a lower
rate (as specified by you). The second mode upsamples. By upsampling,
RUCKUS can output a much cleaner sound than playing at the original sample
rate. However, this is useful only for samples that were originally at a
low sample rate. You would not want to upsample a VOC file that was sampled
at 22kHz, since that would demand too much CPU power, plus, very little
benefit would be achieved. The best use of upsampling is on data that was
originally sampled at, say, 8kHz or less. In order to properly upsample,
you need to specify a SP.IntRate equal to the original sample rate (this
can be found in the DAC data section immediately after a LoadDac).
As mentioned, upsample mode is available on the speaker and AdLib devices
only. To specify this mode, set the IP.IOport to the physical port when
initializing the device (InitDac). In the PC speaker's case, IP.IOport=0x42
would activate up-sample mode. Using IP.IOport=0 would have the regular
mode used. For the AdLib, specify IP.IOport=0x388. As with the PC speaker,
setting IP.IOport=0 uses the regular AdLib play mode.
Sample Use:
struct SetPack SP;
SP.Func = SetIntRateDac;
SP.IntRate = 11025;
rez = RUCKDAC(&SP);
SetPriorityDac Func: 23 Pack: SetPack
When operating in non-DMA mode playback of VOC or WAVE data, RUCKUS
reprograms the system timer. Normally, this timer runs at the familiar 18.2
times per second rate. When you play back at, say, a SP.IntRate=10000, this
is the new rate that the system timer is set to operate at. So, instead of
the timer interrupting the CPU (via IRQ0) 18.2/sec, it interrupts at
The routine allows you to control the priority given to other events while
the timer is operating at this accelerated pace. The default priority is 1.
At the priority, the playback code is called at the desired rate, and,
given a 10kHz rate, every 550th time the playback code is executed, the
original timer-dependant code is executed. This allows the system clock,
and any other system in the computer dependant on the clock, to be properly
maintained. On each 550th call, RUCKUS first performs all tasks that needs
to be done, then it calls the original system code. In most cases, if not
all, this priority works best.
Priority 0 is exactly like priority 1 except that control is released as
soon as the RUCKUS code starts. The permits other tasks to interrupt
RUCKUS. This may cause a warbly-type sound, but permits, say, high-speed
communications code to operate in the background with missing a beat.
Priority 2 causes RUCKUS to use (hog) all background processing time for
itself. The system clock is not maintained. Use this priority only if the
other two are causing problems (doubtful) or if you want to get the maximum
sound performance out of RUCKUS and don't care if the system clock is
Sample Use:
struct SetPack SP;
SP.Func = SetPriorityDac;
SP.Priority = 1; // 1 is the default so no need to call unless changed
rez = RUCKDAC(&SP);
GetBufferDataDac Func: 28 Pack: GetDataPack
Used to get a specified number of bytes from the current digital data path.
This routine is currently under development and should not be used.
GetBytePosDac Func: 29 Pack: GetDataPack
Used to determine where in the current digital data path processing is
Sample Use:
struct GetDataPack GDP;
GDP.Func = GetBytePosDac;
rez = RUCKDAC(&GDP);
if (rez == 0)
printf("Curr pos relative start of data is %ul", GDP.BytePos);
SetAllSBP Func: 30 Pack: SetProPack
This routine allows you to control the mixer facility of the Sound Blaster
Pro including main volume, VOC volume, mic level, CD level, line level,
output filter, input source selection, record filters, input source, and
stereo/mono record mode.
During initialization of the Sound Blaster Pro (InitDac), the main and VOC
volumes are set to maximum (15) for both left and right channels, the three
input levels are set to their minimums (1), all filters are set to off,
mode is set to mono record, and input selection is set to mic.
The main volume (left and right, as are all mixer controls except mic)
adjusts both the digital and synthesizer outputs of the PRO (the
synthesizer, or FM section, is not used by RUCKUS-DAC, but is in RUCKUS-
MIDI). In normal use the main volume channels would be set to 15, the
The VOC volume adjusts the volume of the digital output channels. Anything
played through the SB PRO's digital channels can be adjusted with this. As
with the main volume, the VOC volume is normally set to 15, the maximum.
The SB PRO provides for three inputs. Mic, CD, and Line. Each of these have
separate level adjustments. The mic input level is the odd one out. Unlike
the other two, the mic level does not adjust the mic input level, but
rather the mic output level. Whenever you record via the mic input line at
the back of the card, the input level is controlled by an AGC, automatic
gain control. The AGC acts as a real-time level adjuster -- high signal
levels (loud sounds) have the AGC automatically decrease the mic input
sensitivity -- low signal levels (quiet sounds) have it automatically
increase the mic input sensitivity. The actions of an AGC has its drawbacks
in reduced dynamic range and perhaps a noticeable "breathing" of the sound
on playback. Breathing is where the background noise increases as the level
of the sound decreases. However, often the reduced dynamic range makes for
a better final results, especially when using a mic/SB combination.
The CD input level adjusts the level of the CD-ROM device. No testing has
been done with this. It controls the input level from the proprietary CD-
ROM drive that CLabs distributes for the SB PRO, or one which is compatible
(and is hooked up to the SB PRO's CD connector). Any CD should be able to
plug into the CD audio connector of the SB PRO (see the SB PRO docs) and so
have its level controllable via RUCKUS-DAC.
The Line input level adjusts the input sensitivity. Normally, when
recording from this input, the Line level should be set to 15, the maximum.
For preamps that have an unusually high line out level, reducing the PRO's
line input level may produce a better recording.
The output filter can be used to reduce the noise at the mid and high end
of the digital data being played. Normally, this filter is not needed.
The recording filters are very useful and should be used whenever the
recording sample rate is below 18kHz and the source being record has
frequencies above 9kHz. There are two filters to choose from: one has a
3.2kHz cutoff, the other 8.8kHz.
Whenever you are recording from a source that will include frequencies
higher than 3.2kHz, and you have the PRO recording at a sample rate under
6.4kHz, you should select the 3.2kHz filter. This will attenuate
frequencies higher than 3.2kHz and should help produce a cleaner recording.
Along the same lines, if you are recording frequencies higher than 8.8kHz,
and are recording using a sample rate less than 17.6kHz, you should use the
8.8kHz filter. Note that filter use as described above is not a rule, just
a guideline. You may find that using no filters is best.
With the SB PRO you have 3 input sources to record from: the mic, a CD-ROM
drive attached to the SB PRO (requires special cable), or a line-level
input. The mic allows mono recording only. The CD-ROM facility controls
only a CD-ROM drive hooked up to the SB PRO. The line input can be
connected directly to a preamplifier's line out jacks.
The SB PRO allows you to record in STEREO from the CD and LINE input
sources; mic is always mono. When recording in stereo, the sample rate you
record at must be set to twice the desired rate. For example, if you want
to record from the LINE input at 22.05kHz, in stereo, set the recording
rate to twice 22,050, or 44,100. The SB PRO can sample up to a 45,500Hz
rate (which, if a stereo recording, is an effective rate of 22,750Hz). See
RecordDac for more.
Sample Use:
struct SetProPack SPP; // be careful not to type SBP
SPP.Func = SetAllSBP;
SPP.Volume = 0x0F0F; // max out volumes
SPP.VolVoc = 0x0F0F;
SPP.VolMic = 0; // minimized mic input level
SPP.CD = 0; // actual min for SB Pro is 1
SPP.LI = 0;
SPP.FilterOut = 0; // 0=off filter, 1=on (output filter)
SPP.FilterIn = 0; // 0=off filter, 1=3.2kHz, 2=8.8kHz (record filter)
SPP.SourceIn = 0; // 0=mic, 1=CD, 2=line
SPP.StereoIn = 0; // record mode: 0=mono, 1=stereo
rez = RUCKDAC(&SPP);
SetVolMainSBP Func: 31 Pack: SetProPack
The main volume (left and right) adjusts both the digital and synthesizer
outputs of the PRO; it is the overall volume setting. Each of these outputs
also has its own volume control. In normal use, the main volume channels
would be set to 15, the maximum.
The range of volume is 1 to 15, in steps of 2 (1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15). To set
the left channel main volume, multiply the volume desired by 256. To set
the right channel, just add its value. For example, to set the main volume
to maximum (15, or 0F hex), multiply 15*256 and add 15. In hex, this value
is 0F0F (decimal 3855, but decimal is much too awkward). If you know
beforehand that you want the main volume at maximum, you can forego the
multiplication and simply use 0F0F, as in the example below.
NOTE: Since you are the programmer and you have the documentation, do not
depend on RUCKUS correcting out-of-value parameters. If you use
parameters that are not within specifications, the results are
Sample Use:
struct SetProPack SPP;
SPP.Func = SetVolMainSBP;
SPP.Volume = 0x0F0F;
rez = RUCKDAC(&SPP);
SetVolVocSBP Func: 32 Pack: SetProPack
The VOC volume (left and right) adjusts the digital output volume of the
PRO. The range of volume is 1 to 15, in steps of 2 (1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15). To
set the left channel VOC volume, multiply the volume desired by 256. To set
the right channel, just add its value. For example, to set the VOC volume
to maximum (15, or 0F hex), multiply 15*256 and add 15. In hex, this value
is 0F0F (decimal 3855, but decimal is much too awkward). If you know
beforehand that you want the VOC volume at maximum, you can forego the
multiplication and simply use 0F0F, as in the example below.
Sample Use:
struct SetProPack SPP;
SPP.Func = SetVolMainSBP;
SPP.VolVoc = 0x0F0F;
rez = RUCKDAC(&SPP);
SetLevelMicSBP Func: 33 Pack: SetProPack
This routine does not actually adjust the mic input level, but rather the
mic output level. Whenever you record via the mic input line at the back of
the card, the input level is controlled by an AGC, automatic gain control.
The AGC acts as a real-time level adjuster -- high signal levels (loud
sounds) have the AGC automatically decrease the mic input sensitivity --
low signal levels (quiet sounds) have it automatically increase the mic
input sensitivity. The actions of an AGC has its drawbacks in reduced
dynamic range and perhaps a noticeable "breathing" of the sound on
playback. Breathing is where the background noise increases as the level of
the sound decreases. However, often the reduced dynamic range makes for a
better final results, especially when using a mic/SB combination.
By setting the mic input level, you can use the computer as a public
address system. To do this, select mic as the input source, set the mic
input level to maximum, and turn on the SB speaker. To avoid feedback, keep
the mic away from the loudspeakers.
The input level range is 1 to 7, in steps of 2 (1,3,5,7). This setting has
no effect on recording level (see above).
Sample Use:
struct SetProPack SPP;
SPP.Func = SetVolMicSBP;
SPP.VolVoc = 0x07;
rez = RUCKDAC(&SPP);
SetLevelCDSBP Func: 34 Pack: SetProPack
The CD input level (left and right) adjusts the input level of the attached
CD-ROM drive. This has not been tested. For its use, see SetLevelLineSBP.
SetLevelLineSBP Func: 35 Pack: SetProPack
The line level (left and right) adjusts the analog input level of the PRO.
The range of volume is 1 to 15, in steps of 2 (1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15). To set
the left channel line level, multiply the volume desired by 256. To set the
right channel, just add its value. For example, to set the line level to
maximum sensitivity (15, or 0F hex), multiply 15*256 and add 15. In hex,
this value is 0F0F (decimal 3855, but decimal is much too awkward). If you
know beforehand that you want the line level at maximum, you can forego the
multiplication and simply use 0F0F, as in the example below.
Sample Use:
struct SetProPack SPP;
SPP.Func = SetVolMainSBP;
SPP.VolLI = 0x0F0F;
stat = RUCKDAC(&SPP);
SetFilterOutSBP Func: 36 Pack: SetProPack
The output filter of the PRO can be used to reduce the noise at the mid and
high end of the digital data being played. Normally, this filter is not
needed. Recordings made at a very low sample rate, say, under 6kHz, may
sound better with this output filter on.
The digital output filter, and also the analog recording filter, is set off
by default.
Sample Use:
struct SetProPack SPP;
SPP.Func = SetFilterOutSBP;
SPP.FilterOut = 1; // enable output filter
rez = RUCKDAC(&SPP);
SetFilterInSBP Func: 37 Pack: SetProPack
The recording filters are very useful and should be used whenever the
recording sample rate is below 18kHz and the source being record has
frequencies above 9kHz. There are two filters to choose from: one has a
3.2kHz cutoff, the other 8.8kHz.
Whenever you are recording from a source that will include frequencies
higher than 3.2kHz, and you have the PRO recording at a sample rate under
6.4kHz, you should select the 3.2kHz filter. This will attenuate
frequencies higher than 3.2kHz and should help produce a cleaner recording.
Along the same lines, if you are recording frequencies higher than 8.8kHz,
and are recording using a sample rate less than 17.6kHz, you should use the
8.8kHz filter. Note that filter use as described above is not a rule, just
a guideline. You may find that using no filters is best.
The input filter is off by default.
Sample Use:
struct SetProPack SPP;
SPP.Func = SetFilterInSBP;
SPP.FilterIn = 1; // 0=no filter, 1=3.2kHz cutoff, 2=8.8kHz cutoff
rez = RUCKDAC(&SPP);
SetSourceSBP Func: 38 Pack: SetProPack
With the SB PRO you have three input sources to record from: the mic, a CD-
ROM drive attached to the SB PRO (requires special cable), or a line-level
input. The mic allows mono recording only. The CD-ROM facility controls
only a CD-ROM drive hooked up to the SB PRO. The line input can be
connected directly to a preamplifier's line out jacks.
Recording with the mic requires only that it be selected. The mic input
level does not control the recording level, but rather the PA output. See
SetAllSBP for more.
Recording from the connected CD-ROM drive has not been tested. If you can
control the CD, you can record from it using RUCKUS.
Recording from the line-level input is simple. Just hook your tape-out
jacks from your preamplifier to the cable supplied with the SB PRO. This
cable, a 1/8-inch mini stereo to 2 RCA phono jacks is the same one that
comes with the original Sound Blaster. You'll probably need more cable
unless you have your preamp nearby.
When recording from either the CD or line, you must set the source's input
level. Normally, setting it to maximum (15) is best. If you have
particularly high line output levels, you may need to set this lower. As
with all mixer settings, settings are 1 to 15 in steps of 2. The mic is 1
to 7, by 2.
Sample Use:
struct SetProPack SPP;
SPP.Func = SetSourceSBP;
SPP.SourceIn = 2; // set input source to line input
rez = RUCKDAC(&SPP);
SetStereoSBP Func: 39 Pack: SetProPack
The SB PRO allows you to record in STEREO from the CD and LINE input
sources; mic is always mono. When recording in stereo, the sample rate you
record at must be set to twice the desired rate. For example, if you want
to record from the LINE input at 22.05kHz, in stereo, set the recording
rate to twice 22,050, or 44,100. The SB PRO can sample up to a 45,500Hz
rate (which, if a stereo recording, is an effective rate of 22,750Hz). See
RecordDac for more.
You must set the mode to stereo or mono before starting the actual record.
Sample Use:
struct SetProPack SPP;
SPP.Func = SetStereoSBP;
SPP.StereoIn = 1; // set to stereo record
rez = RUCKDAC(&SPP);
SetSpeakerSB Func: 40 Pack: SetPack
The routine activates or deactivates the Sound Blasters' output. When
recording it must be off. When playing back, it must be on. When starting a
recording, RUCKUS automatically turns the speaker off; when playing back it
turns the speaker on. For those occasions when you want to control the
speaker connection, use this routine.
Note that the generic SetVolumeDac also controls the SB's speaker
connection. If the speaker is currently on and you set the volume to 0, the
SB speaker is turned off. And, of the speaker is currently off, and you set
the volume to a non-zero value, the speaker is turned on. This routine lets
you control the connection without changing the generic volume setting.
Sample Use:
struct SetPack SP;
SP.Func = SetSpeakerSB;
SP.Volume = 0; // use the volume member of SP to control speaker
rez = RUCKDAC(&SP); // to turn the speaker on, set SP.Volume = 1
GetMixerRegSBP Func: 48 Pack: GetDataPack
Get a SB PRO mixer port-value.
This routine is under development and should not be used.
GetDacSB Func: 49 Pack: GetDataPack
This routine gets a byte from the Sound Blasters data channel. This routine
should not be called while the Sound Blaster is playing or record. It can
be used for level tests.
Before using this routine on the PRO, first select the input device (mic,
CD, or line) and then perform a 64-byte record from that device. This
because the input device is not selected until you actually record from it.
Unlike the other RUCKDAC routines, the return value is not the error code,
but rather the data byte itself. To check for an error, use GDP.stat (as
you can in all RUCKUS functions).
Sample Use:
struct GetDataPack GDP;
GDP.Func = GetDacSB;
data = RUCKDAC(&GDP);
if (GDP.stat != 0)
// error
ExitMod Func: 50 Pack: XitPack
When using RUCKUS, certain aspects of the computer are controlled by the
RUCKUS code. To have RUCKUS return full control back to the computer and
operating system, ExitMod must be called. To ensure that this happens, even
after an abnormal termination (such as an untrapped divide by zero), RUCKUS
also provides a routine that ensures that ExitMod is always called before
your application ends and returns to the operating system. See AtExitMod
for more.
Once you have loaded a mod file via LoadMod, or performed any mod function,
you must call ExitMod before you end you program and return to DOS. Calling
ExitMod releases any memory allocations made, and also performs other
system cleanup.
Sample Use:
struct XitPack XP;
XP.Func = ExitMod;
rez = RUCKDAC(&XP);
AtExitMod Func: 51 Pack: XitPack
To ensure that all machine control is returned to the operating system and
that all RUCKUS-made memory allocations are released, before your
application program ends, AtExitMod should be used (if you have used the
mod extensions to RUCKUS-DAC). This routine takes advantage of most
compiler's _atexit enregistration routine. This _atexit compiler run-time
library routine allows for up to 32 different calls to be made just prior
to it (the compiler's run-time code) returning to the operating system
(program termination). Most of the time, you can make all the necessary
shutdowns that your program requires in your app's code. However, abnormal
terminations--terminations that can cause a bypass of your own shutdown
code, may mean that when the operating systems regains control, certain
machine operations are not in a stable state. The AtExitMod routine ensures
that ExitMod is called no matter what (in most all cases, except where the
program locks up, in which case the session needs to be reset anyway).
Graphically, your program executes like this:
DOS C>program.exe
Compiler startup code (performs basic setup)
| Your program starts, ends
rest of startup code, _atexit registered routines
Caution: In order for the _atexit registered routines to be called by your
compilers run-time, you must not allow you program to exit via non-standard
ways. Calling INT21/4C is on example (you should never do this from
compiled code, anyway).
The startup code is basically a program that sets up your program to run,
calls your program, regains control when your program ends, then performs
the necessary shutdown actions required, including calling all routines
registered with _atexit. See AtExitDac for an important addition.
Sample Use:
struct XitPack XP;
XP.Func = AtExitMod;
rez = RUCKDAC(&XP);
if (rez != 0)
puts("_atexit is full (more than 32 calls made to _atexit)");
LoadMod Func: 52 Pack: LoadPack
It is required that RUCKUS load mod files into memory. RUCKUS makes the
necessary memory allocations and loads the data into conventional memory,
with UMB blocks used if available and controlled by DOS (via DOS=,UMB in
CONFIG.SYS). Only one mod file may be in memory at any one time. To unload
the mod file you must execute an ExitMod call.
LoadMod can be instructed to start loading at any particular byte in a
file. This would be useful, for example, if you have a single file made up
of several mod files, appended to form one large data file.
Sample Use:
struct LoadPack LP;
LP.Func = LoadMod;
LP.FilenamePtr = filename;
LP.StartPos = 0L; // start load at first byte of file
LP.LoadSize = 0L; // have RUCKUS load all of it
LP.XMMflag = 0; // this must be set to zero
rez = RUCKDAC(&LP);
PlayMod Func: 53 Pack: PlayBackPack
Once the mod file has been loaded, you can play it to any of the RUCKUS-
supported devices. There are 4 modes that can be used for playback; non-DMA
foreground, non-DMA background, DMA foreground, and DMA background. The DMA
modes require the Sound Blasters. Also, for STEREO mod playback, DMA mode
is required (SB Pro only).
Playing in the background allows your computer program to regain control
immediately after play has begun. If you choose foreground play, control
does not return to your program until the end of the data has been played,
or, until CTRL-ALT is pressed. In all cases, mod file playback is best done
on a fast computer, though excellent results can be gotten from 286-class
machines. For slow machines, DMA foreground allows for best sound, since
you can set the mod process rate higher than you can if you choose a
background mode.
Before play, you should set up other parameters by calling the other Set
mod routines (SetIntRateMod, SetStereoMod, and SetFastMod).
struct PlaybackPack PBP;
PBP.Func = PlayMod;
PBP.Mode = 3; // mode 0=foreground, 1=background, 2=DMA FG, 3=DMA BG
PBP.XMMhandle = 0; // this must be set to 0
// PBP.LoadPtr is not used by PlayMod
PBP.BufferSize = 4096;// buffer size is bytes per buffer (2 buffers used)
// minimum size is 2048, maximum is 65520
// buffers allocated only if DMA play (mode=2 or 3)
rez = RUCKDAC(&PBP);
if (rez == 0)
// if background mode then the mod data is playing now, but
// if foreground mode, the play has ended by the time we get here
// play error (could be not enough memory for PBP.BufferSize)
EndMod Func: 54 Pack: XitPack
EndMod is used to end (stop) play on command. Once PlayMod has started, it
continues to play in the background until either the end of the mod data
has been reached, or you call this routine.
Sample Use:
struct XitPack XP;
// LoadMod and PlayMod have already been called
// see those routines for more information
XP.Func = EndMod; // if play is active this call
rez = RUCKDAC(&XP); // ends it
PauseMod Func: 55 Pack: PausePack
PauseMod allows you to temporarily pause and then restart a playback.
Sample Use:
struct PausePack PP;
PP.Func = PauseMod;
PP.Pause = 1; // non-zero pauses, zero restarts
rez = RUCKDAC(&PP);
SetIntRateMod Func: 56 Pack: SetModPack
SetIntRateMod, with respect to the mod extensions of RUCKUS, controls the
mod data processing rate, which in turn, is the playback rate (the opposite
of sample rate).
A process rate of 22kHz should be considered a practical maximum. Higher
process rates are possible (up to 45.5kHz with the PRO) but the improvement
in sound quality over 22kHz is negligible (to me). If the machine is
capable, a rate of at least 16kHz should be used. At this rate, sound is
reasonably good sounding. Rates below 16kHz will most likely incur a high-
pitched whistling noise that can be very annoying. Using the output filter
of the SB PRO helps. The whistle is totally absent from the output of the
Disney Sound Source (which internally plays at 7kHz regardless of the input
stream rate). For PC speaker output, rates above 18kHz are not recommended.
Best performance for the PC speaker is at 16kHz. The AdLib, being a very
slow device when made to play digital data, has an effective top-end of
about 13kHz.
When using the SB PRO in stereo mode, the mod process rate must not exceed
45.5kHz/2, or 22.75kHz. This is a limitation of the Sound Blaster. In mono,
you can run up to 45.5kHz if you have the muscle to do so (typically
requires a 486, and a DMAX: setting of at least 4). Buffer sizes above 4K
matter most on slower machines.
Adjusting the mod processing while playing is permitted, though it's
recommended to do so only when not.
Sample Use:
struct SetModPack SMP;
SMP.Func = SetIntRateMod;
SMP.IntRate = 22000;
rez = RUCKDAC(&SMP);
SetSpeedMod Func: 57 Pack: SetModPack
Temporarily increases or decreases the playback speed of the mod file
playing. The basic speed of a mod, with regard to this routine, is 6.
However, at any particular point in the mod file this can change.
The speed range is 1 to 15, with 1 resulting in fast play, and 15 resulting
in a very slow play.
Sample Use:
struct SetModPack SMP;
SMP.Func = SetSpeedMod;
SMP.Speed = 4; // increase play by 33% over norm
rez = RUCKDAC(&SMP);
SetVolumeMod Func: 58 Pack: SetModPack
SetVolumeMod controls each of the four mod digital output channels.
Normally they would all be set to maximum (255). In order to adjust channel
volume, FastMod mode must be off.
Sample Use:
struct SetModPack SMP;
SMP.Func = SetVolumeMod;
SMP.VolCh1 = 255;
SMP.VolCh2 = 255;
SMP.VolCh3 = 255;
SMP.VolCh4 = 255;
rez = RUCKDAC(&SMP);
SetPositionMod Func: 59 Pack: SetModPack
Each mod file is composed of several tracks, known as patterns. Each
pattern contains 64*4 notes (64 notes per channel). A mod file can contain
up to 63 separate patterns, and can play up to 128 patterns in total
(though any pattern can be made to repeat). SetPositionMod lets you move to
the start of any pattern to be played (up to the number of patterns to
play). The first pattern is pattern number 0. The last possible patter
number is 127.
Sample Use:
struct SetModPack SMP;
SMP.Func = SetPositionMod;
SMP.Position = 0; // restart play from the beginning
rez = RUCKDAC(&SMP);
SetStereoMod Func: 60 Pack: SetModPack
Mod data files contain four channels of information. In mono playback mode,
all four of these are combined to form a single digital output stream. In
stereo mode (SB PRO only), you can select from three different combine
modes. You can increase this to nine stereo combinations by setting the
high bit of SMP.Stereo. If set, the left/right channels are reversed.
Sample Use:
struct SetModPack SMP;
SMP.Func = SetPositionMod;
SMP.Stereo = 1; // 0=mono
rez = RUCKDAC(&SMP); // 1=LEFT:ch1+ch3 RIGHT:ch2+ch4
// 2=LEFT:ch1+ch4 RIGHT:ch2+ch3
// 3=LEFT:ch1+ch2 RIGHT:ch3+ch4
// &H8000 + mode then LEFT <-> RIGHT, e.g.,
// &H8001=LEFT:ch2+ch4 RIGHT:ch1+ch3
SetFastMod Func: 61 Pack: SetModPack
Mod files require lost of CPU power and lots of CPU attention. The most
often executed code performs 4 BPTR IMUL instructions every tick of a
process clock (10,000 times/sec if that is the process rate selected).
Multiply on the 8088 is a very time consuming operation. If an 8088-based
computer is to play mod files, these multiplies must be sped up. SetFastMod
performs this task by implementing an alternate method. Note that with
FastMod mode enable, some mod files may sound odd.
The SliceAdj instructs the DMA buffer fill code to perform more than one
mix per interrupt. By increasing this number you reduce the interrupt-
latency time wasted (since more mod data is processed per interrupt) but
you also decrease the amount of time given to other tasks (tasks other than
mod playback). Fast CPUs have no problem keeping the DMA buffers full, so
even a large SliceAdj will have little of any impact on these machines.
However, on slow machines where the DMA buffers are constantly needing to
be filled (where neither DMA buffer is ever filled) a SliceAdj above 1 may
be desirable. Typically, though, the default of 1 works fine.
Sample Use:
struct SetModPack SMP;
SMP.Func = SetFastMod;
SMP.FastMode = -1; // 0=normal, 1=fast mode enabled, -1 to skip
SMP.SliceAdj = 32; // DMA buffer fill count (1-4096, default=1)
rez = RUCKDAC(&SMP);
Appendix A. Tips and Tricks.
See the RUCKUS-MIDI documenation.
Appendix B. Pack Structure.
#pragma pack(1)
int __far __pascal RUCKDAC(void __far *datapack);
#define SysInfoDac 0
#define InitDac 1
#define ExitDac 2
#define AtExitDac 3
#define LoadDac 4
#define PlayDac 5
#define RecordDac 6
#define StoreDac 7
#define EndDac 8
#define PauseDac 9
#define DeallocDac 10
#define SetAllDac 20
#define SetVolumeDac 21
#define SetIntRateDac 22
#define SetPriorityDac 23
#define GetBufferDataDac 28
#define GetBytePosDac 29
#define SetAllSBP 30
#define SetVolMainSBP 31
#define SetVolVocSBP 32
#define SetLevelMicSBP 33
#define SetLevelCDSBP 34
#define SetLevelLineSBP 35
#define SetFilterOutSBP 36
#define SetFilterInSBP 37
#define SetSourceSBP 38
#define SetStereoSBP 39
#define SetSpeakerSB 40
#define GetMixerRegSBP 48
#define GetDacSB 49
#define ExitMod 50
#define AtExitMod 51
#define LoadMod 52
#define PlayMod 53
#define EndMod 54
#define PauseMod 55
#define SetIntRateMod 56
#define SetSpeedMod 57
#define SetVolumeMod 58
#define SetPositionMod 59
#define SetStereoMod 60
#define SetFastMod 61
/* current highest function is 61 */
struct DeallocPack { /* DP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned HandSeg; /* RUCKUS allocates either XMM handle/DOS para */
unsigned TypeFlag; /* 0=DOS para, 1=XMS handle */
}; /* 8 */
struct GetDataPack { /* GDP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned long BytePos; /* current byte relative base ptr */
char __far *BufferPtr; /* far pointer to buffer to fill with data */
long StartPos; /* start get at this offset relative BufferPtr */
unsigned BufferCnt; /* bytes to fill (2-65520) */
unsigned MixerReg; /* SBPro mixer register to get */
}; /* 20 */
struct InitPack { /* IP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned DeviceID; /* 0=SPKR,1=LPTDAC,2=DSS,4=SB,5=SBPro */
unsigned IOport;
unsigned IRQline;
unsigned DMAch;
unsigned Flags; /* see Appendix D. */
void __far *InfoPtr; /* ret:far ptr to dac info */
void __far *DacExitPtr; /* ret:far ptr to dac's ExitDac routine */
void __far *ModExitPtr; /* ret:far ptr to mod's ExitMod routine */
}; /* 26 */
struct LoadPack { /* LP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
void __far *FilenamePtr;/* far ptr to filenameZ to load */
unsigned long StartPos; /* offset into file to start load at */
unsigned long LoadSize; /* number of bytes to load (or 0 for autosize) */
int XMMflag; /* if <> 0 use XMS for load */
int XMMhandle; /* ret:XMS handle, or */
void __far *LoadPtr; /* ret:DOS seg:offset (offset always 0) */
}; /* 24 */
struct PlaybackPack { /* PBP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned Mode; /* mode (0=int FG,1=BG,2=DMA,3=DMA+BG for mod) */
unsigned XMMhandle; /* if <> 0 this XMM handle used regardless */
void __far *LoadPtr; /* seg:off to start of data to play */
unsigned BufferSize; /* size of DMA buffer for mod playback */
}; /* 14 */
struct PausePack { /* PP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned Pause; /* 0=unpause else pause */
}; /* 6 */
struct RecordPack { /* RP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned SampleRate;
int XMMhandle; /* -1 auto XMS (ret here) else use this handle */
void __far *RecordPtr; /* seg:off of buffer to store (0 for auto-store) */
unsigned long RecordBytes; /* bytes to record */
unsigned StereoFlag; /* stereo flag */
}; /* 18 */
struct SaveDataPack { /* SDP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
void __far *FilenamePtr; /* far ptr to filenameZ to save */
void __far *DataPtr; /* pointer to start of data to save */
unsigned FileType; /* 1=VOC,2=WAV */
unsigned XMMhandle; /* XMS handle of data to save (0 if DOS data) */
}; /* 16 */
struct SetPack { /* SP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat; /* (if volume=0 SB speaker off'ed else on'ed) */
unsigned Volume; /* volume (left ch=MSB,right=LSB) (0-127,0-127) */
unsigned IntRate; /* playback interrupt rate (5000-23000) */
unsigned Priority; /* priority level (0-2, default=1) */
}; /* 10 */
struct SetModPack { /* SMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned VolCh1; /* channel volume (0-255) */
unsigned VolCh2; /* channel volumes adjustments made only */
unsigned VolCh3; /* if FastMode=0 */
unsigned VolCh4;
unsigned Stereo; /* playback mode (0=mono,stereo 1,2,3) */
int FastMode; /* fast playback (0=normal,1 fast,-1 skip) */
unsigned IntRate; /* playback interrupt rate (5000-45500) */
unsigned Position; /* pattern list position (0-patterns to play) */
unsigned Speed; /* temp playback speed (1-15,default=6,15=slow) */
unsigned SliceAdj; /* slice adj (1-4096,default=1) set via FastMod */
}; /* 24 */
struct SetProPack { /* SPP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned Volume; /* volume (low=right;0-15, high byte=left;0-15) */
unsigned VolVoc;
unsigned VolMic; /* (mono only, 0-7) input level */
unsigned VolCD; /* input level (0-15,0-15) */
unsigned VolLI; /* input level (0-15,0-15) */
unsigned FilterOut; /* 0=filter off, 1=filter on */
unsigned FilterIn; /* 0=filter off, 1=3.2kHz, 2=8.8kHz */
unsigned SourceIn; /* 0=mic,1=CD,2=line */
unsigned StereoIn; /* 0=mono,1=stereo record */
}; /* 22 */
struct XitPack { /* XP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
}; /* 4 */
struct SysDev { /* SD (used by SysInfoPack below) */
int Device; /* =1 device available */
unsigned Port;
unsigned IRQ;
unsigned DMA;
unsigned Flags; /* bit4=MIDI/3=XMS/2=DMA/1=REC/0=PLAY */
}; /* 10 */
struct SysInfoPack { /* SIP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned CPU; /* CPU class (88,286,386,486) */
unsigned CPUmode; /* 0=real mode,1=PM,2=PM w/paging */
unsigned MHz; /* approx speed (5,20,33) */
struct SysDev SD[6];
}; /* 70 */
Appendix C. Compiler, Linker, and Call Use.
Consult your development system's documentation on the use of external
library files. For call use, see the example X*.c files.
Appendix D. RUCKUS-DAC Data Area.
To access the DAC data area in your code:
extern struct DacDataArea pascal DACDATA;
printf("DACDATA DeviceID is %u", DACDATA.DeviceID);
/* dac data area structure */
#pragma pack(1) /* ALL Ruckus data structures MUST be byte-aligned */
struct DacDataArea {
unsigned DeviceID; /* 0 ;device ID */
unsigned IOport; /* 2 ;port of device */
unsigned IRQ; /* 4 ;IRQ of device */
unsigned DMA; /* 6 ;DMA of device */
unsigned Flags; /* 8 ;bit0=1 use DOS UMB memory */
/* ;bit1-3 reserved */
/* ;bit4=1 force SBPro if SB15 (DSPtype=3) */
/* ; (but DSPversion remains same) */
/* ;bit5=1 force XMS2 to be used */
/* ;bit6=1 force dev speaker on until exit */
/* ;bit7=1 force passed parms to be used */
/* ; Following values are ret bits */
/* ;bit8=1 paging in force, no UMBs */
/* ;bit9-15 reserved */
unsigned End; /* 10 ;=1 end of play (dac, not mod) */
unsigned Pause; /* 12 ;=1 pause play */
unsigned EndOfMod; /* 14 ;=1 end of mod play */
/* (when dac@end AND dac@endmod */
/* ;both are 1 then play is done) */
unsigned MemDOS; /* 16 ;DOS memory available (in K) */
unsigned MemXMM; /* 18 ;XMS memory available (in K) */
unsigned Type; /* 20 ;digital file type (1=VOC,2=WAV,3=MOD) */
unsigned MemUsed; /* 22 ;memory used for last file load (in K) */
unsigned SampleRate; /* 24 ;sample rate currently playing */
unsigned Stereo; /* 26 ;stereo playback (data is stereo) */
unsigned long VocLen; /* 28 ;length of voc block (only current block) */
void __far *VocPtrPtr; /* 32 ;pointer to pointer->current data */
unsigned long RecordLen;/*36 ;length of recorded data */
}; /* 40 */
#pragma pack()
To access the MOD data area in your code:
extern struct ModDataArea pascal MODDATA;
printf("MODDATA Type is %u", MODDATA.Type);
#pragma pack(1) /* ALL Ruckus data structures MUST be byte-aligned */
struct ModDataArea {
void near *chInfoPtr;/* -2 ;near ptr to channel info (not listed) */
unsigned Type; /* 0 ;mod type (15 or 31 samples) */
unsigned Samples; /* 2 ;number of instrument samples in mod */
unsigned HeaderSeg; /* 4 ;header segment (aka sample info) */
unsigned PatternSeg; /* 6 ;pats' segment (1 to pats2play 1K pats) */
unsigned SampleSeg[31];/* 8 (+62) ;list of sample segments */
unsigned Stereo; /* 70 ;=1 then play stereo (only SBPro can set) */
unsigned FastMode; /* 72 ;=1 then channel volume adjusts disabled */
unsigned PatListPos; /* 74 ;byte pos within mod@patterList (0-127) */
unsigned NotePatPos; /* 76 ;note pos within pattern 1K area (0-1008) */
/* ;pattern#=patternList(patListPos) */
/* ;note is at offset (pat#*1024)+notePatPos */
/* ;-- in segment mod@patternSeg */
unsigned HiPattern; /* 78 ;highest pattern # to play/+1!/ (0-63) */
unsigned Pats2play; /* 80 ;pats to play (direct DOS file load here) */
char PatternList[128]; /* 82 (+128) ;pattern positions (to here) */
char MKoverflow[6]; /*210 (+6) ;overflow for 31-instr patpos read */
unsigned MemUsed; /*216 ;DOS mem needed by mod file loaded (paras) */
unsigned long VS; /*218 ;times VS handler entered (50Hz rate) */
}; /* 222 */
#pragma pack()
Appendix Z. Ordering Information, License Agreement and Product Support.
To order you must you the order form included with the distribution files.
Its filename is !ORDER.FRM. Orders made without this form may be delayed.
There are two RUCKUS packages available. The PERSONAL DEVELOPER version is
for the hobby-programmer while the PROFESSIONAL version is for the
professional programmer.
The PERSONAL DEVELOPER version is for persons that are not creating
programs for distribution to others. With the PERSONAL DEVELOPER license
you may not distribute any programs you create with RUCKUS. In addition, a
sign-on banner is issued once, displaying the RUCKUS copyright and license
The PROFESSIONAL version has no distribution restrictions on end-user
programs you create with RUCKUS. The PROFESSIONAL license provides you with
the right to create all the end-user programs royalty-free. You also have
direct access to the latest version of RUCKUS free-of-charge by way of my
support BBS and the RUCKUS Developer's Conference there. No sign-on banner
is issued.
License Agreement
Before using this software you must agree to the following:
1. You are not allowed to operate more than one (1) copy of this software
package at one time per license. This means that if you have 10 programmers
that COULD possibly use the RUCKUS library at the same time, you must also
have ten (10) RUCKUS licenses.
2. You are not allowed to distribute non-executable code containing RUCKUS
code. This means that you are not allowed to redistribute RUCKUS code as
another .LIB, for example. Also, if RUCKUS code is to be contained in a
Dynamic Link Library (DLL) then it must be part of a stand-alone product.
This means that you cannot provide a .DLL containing RUCKUS code if that
.DLL is to be used as a programming library for other programmers. If you
wish to distribute non-executable code containing RUCKUS code you must
obtain written permission from the author.
3. This license grants you the right to use the RUCKUS library code on a
royalty-free basis, except when the license is the PERSONAL DEVELOPER, in
which case you may not distribute any program in which RUCKUS has been
4. RUCKUS is owned by the author, Cornel Huth, and is protected by United
States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You are not
allowed to make copies of this software except for archival purposes.
5. You may not rent or lease RUCKUS. You may not transfer this license
without the written permission of the author. If this software is an update
or upgrade, you may not sell or give away previous versions.
6. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble this software.
7. There are no expressed or implied warranties with this software.
8. All liabilities in the use of this software rest with the user.
9. U.S. Government Restricted Rights. This software is provided with
restricted rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the
Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013.
Manufacturer is Cornel Huth/6402 Ingram Rd/San Antonio, TX 78238.
This agreement is governed by the laws of the state of Texas.
Product Support
BBS support telephone: 1(210)684-8065. V.32bis (1200-14.4k bps)
Hours: Monday through Friday, 5pm to 9am next morning
Weekend hours are 1pm to 9am next morning.
All times USA Central [-0600/-0500]
Internet: chuth@lonestar.utsa.edu -or-
cornel.huth@LChance.sat.tx.us -or-
Fidonet: 1:387/800.8
PROFESSIONAL version licensees have _free_ access to all future RUCKUS
updates AND upgrades via the RUCKUS Developer's Conference on The Fortieth
Floor BBS (1(210)684-8065). PERSONAL DEVELOPER licensees have restricted
access to in-version maintenance updates at no charge.